In the rare setting of enoxaparin injection-induced abdominal wall hematoma in patients requiring long-term anticoagulation, what is your timeline for restarting anticoagulation?
Would appreciate expert opinion on when to reimage and when to restart anticoagulation depending on findings.
Answer from: at Academic Institution
Abdominal wall hematomas typically occur when a vessel has inadvertently been injured during injection. Timing of resumption of anticoagulant will vary with the underlying indication for anticoagulants. For a high-risk indication, eg multiple cardiac valves in patients with history of stroke, I woul...
at Kaiser Permanente, Los Angeles Med Center Thank you so much for your expertise and prompt re...
Medical Oncologist at Northwest Medical Specialties PLLC Thanks for your time and guidance Dr. @Rajiv Pruth...
Thank you so much for your expertise and prompt re...
Thanks for your time and guidance Dr. @Rajiv Pruth...