Is there a benefit to adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with a solitary liver metastasis from previously treated colorectal cancer?
If so, what is your preferred regimen?
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
I know this question was asked last year, but for the record: Mark makes some great points above, but I respectfully disagree on using irinotecan in the post-met/micrometastatic setting. I don't feel the Ychou study provides enough support for this practice since there was no significant improvement...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
For patients who undergo surgery for liver metastasis/oligometastases, adjuvant therapy is typically recommended. When synchronous metastases are resected at the same time as the primary lesion, oxaliplatin-based regimens should be adminstered with attenuated expectation of the DFS and OS benefits s...