Is there an age that is too young for prostate irradiation?
Do you use a particular cut-off? For example, someone in their 40's?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Great question, and quite relevant, given that over 10% of newly diagnosed prostate cancers occur in men 55 years of age or younger. Although I consider a patient's "biological" age (lifestyle, performance status, etc) more than his chronological when deciding the UPPER age limit for radiation, it i...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
@Neha Vapiwala provides a balanced view of how younger patients are viewed. Importantly, she notes that there doesn't seem to be any adverse impact on cancer-specific outcomes if radiotherapy is selected. In other words, "surgery cures more younger patients than radiotherapy" is an incorrect asserti...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
Younger men have a number of possible treatment options. I discuss the pros and cons with them and let them make the final decision. I completely understand when a young man wants to proceed with a prostatectomy, but also understand if they want to choose an option with lower risks of er...