What are some immunosuppression regimens to consider in a patient with refractory cardiac sarcoidosis?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
Unfortunately, there is no high quality data at this point to directly answer this question but here are some options.
For patients who have only been treated with oral steroids, I would first consider the addition of weekly methotrexate at a dose of between 10 - 20 mg WEEKLY with supplemental foli...
at Main Line Health Home Care Hospice - Home Health Agree no data to guide you. In most cases, weekly ...
Treating sarcoid is easy as long as the 1st line treatment (steroids) works then it is all up in the air. Treating with TNF-a inhibitors would be preferred for its effectiveness and low risk but insurance won’t let you Rx it!
Agree no data to guide you. In most cases, weekly ...