What is the longest acceptable interval between radical orchiectomy and adjuvant BEP for Stage IIB/III pure seminoma in the age of COVID-19?
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Community Practice
Drs. @Craig R. Nichols and @Nadine Housri have worked with GCT experts to create practical recommendations during this pandemic. You can read these here.
Briefly, these patients should be still be treated with timely curative intent. Treatment decisions will need to be individualized for each ...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Community Practice
So I assume this isn't adjuvant therapy if this is stage IIA/B seminoma. If it is a 2-2.5 cm node and marker negative, our current approach is to repeat the CT in 6 weeks and if it is growing, initiate BEP X 3 as an outpatient. In the interim, I would emphasize very heavily the SAR-CoV-2 precautions...