What is the optimal duration of ADT in high-risk prostate cancer treated with RT+ADT?
Based on the updated results of the PCS IV trial is 18 months of ADT the new standard of care for men with high-risk prostate cancer treated with RT+ADT? Should this replace 24 or 28 month practices?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Nabib et al. presented "Final Results" of the 18 vs. 36 month ADT trial for high-risk M0 prostate cancer in Chicago during ASCO 2017. This trial has the potential to be practice changing, since most men receive 2+ years of ADT during RT-ADT for high-risk disease. 630 patients were randomized and OS ...
Radiation Oncologist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School Getting patients through 24 months of LHRHa therap...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
While the study was not designed to test non-inferiority (but rather superiority) there is small chance that it is not powered adequately to truly ascertain non-inferiority of 18 as compared to 36 mos of ADT. That being said, I am very happy to see that with additional f/u (median now 9.4 as o...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
Cohort studies are great. They influence practice guidelines for managing patients who look similar to those evaluated. When prospective, and randomized, they provde us with scientifically sound data that are the most convincing. As such, they are classified as "the highest level of evidence". Howev...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Dr. Nabid acknowledged in the panel discussion, that further analysis incorporating testosterone levels may be helpful. These data were apparently collected, and may be presented ahead in the manuscript. ( @Anthony V. D'Amico posed the question: after 18 months, perhaps PSA rise may be non-clinicall...
Getting patients through 24 months of LHRHa therap...