What is your approach to a positive PPD or IGRA in a patient with well-controlled HIV without significant TB risk factors?
Answer from: at Community Practice
I would treat this patient for LTBI (after ruling out active disease); if the patient was hesitant to be treated, a second test could be done if it would increase their likelihood of adhering to the regimen; but I would urge treatment in any case as the stakes are high if untreated LTBI is present.
I treat all HIV patients with positive screening tests. I consider HIV itself, regardless of CD4 count, to be the highest risk for reactivation disease. I believe there is data showing this risk to be higher even than organ transplant or cancer treatment patients.
The problem of course is navigatin...
In an HIV patient without significant risk factors (CD4 nadir >300, no comorbidities), I would offer and encourage treatment for latent Tb but probably not push too hard. For patients who who were willing, I would offer 4 months of rifampin. This would often necessitate changing their ART to dolu...