What is your approach to monitoring of inflammatory markers during treatment of native vertebral osteomyelitis?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
As long as the patient is clinically stable and CRP is coming down, there is generally no need for follow up imaging. Key reference: Kowalski et al., PMID 16779743.Also, good to remember that ESR is a very expensive test which basically measures fibrinogen (may cost $500 or more since it has to be r...
Yes, I do check CRP once weekly. Like Dr. @Winslow - I try VERY hard NOT to order any follow-up MRI imaging - I also recommend the Kowalski paper from CID 2006 that Dr. Winslow referenced. Kowalski's definition of "improved CRP" was only that there was a 25% decrease at 4-8 weeks of follow-up compar...
For those that monitor weekly inflammatory marker(s), can I ask: how does it change your management when patients improve clinically but markers do not fall satisfactorily? Do you get follow-up imaging? Do you extend antibiotics? Both of these maneuvers seem to have the potential for harm in someone...
at Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center Perhaps, at some medical centers, adjunctive surge...