What is your preferred workup for a patient who has a biopsy consistent with “dermal hypersensitivity reaction”?
What treatment modalities have you tried for "dermal hypersensitivity reaction"?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
When encountering a patient with a biopsy consistent with "dermal hypersensitivity reaction," it's crucial to acknowledge the inherent non-specificity of such a diagnosis. In my role as the Director of the Contact Dermatitis Clinic at Penn, I've found that clinical pathologic correlation becomes inv...
First question is "What is a Dermal Hypersensitivity Reaction?" We don't have an actual answer, but my answer, which is conjecture based on the existing literature, is that it is an imbalance between overall T-effector cell activity and T-regulatory cell activity. When too much T-effector activity (...
at North Atlanta Dermatology Duluth Excellent advice. I often use low-dose methotrexat...
Every physician has to come up with their approach. You will see that each respondent will have their inherent clinical bias that directs their focus of the workup and treatment choices. Dermal hypersensitivities remain nebulous with respect to underlying etiologies as of 2024. It's my observation a...