What medications have you had success with for patients with high functioning ASD and co-morbid ADHD and anxiety?
Answer from: at Community Practice
First, separating the problem and likely cause of the presenting symptoms or symptoms that you want to treat will be important for such patients. ASD kids will have stereotypic behaviors that may look like OCD or anxiety but may not be. Separating this is particularly important because regular presc...
at Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) We use a similar approach to what you describe. A ...
There is probably no one correct set of medications for this combination of conditions in someone with high-functioning ASD. I have had the most success with lisdexamfetamine due to its long duration with a single dose for ADHD symptoms. Depending on the anxiety symptoms, I most often prescribe fluo...
We use a similar approach to what you describe. A ...
Agree. Thank you!