What RT dose (with chemo) would you use for small cell of the bladder?
In the definitive setting, and would that change if cystecomy was planned if there was a complete response after CRT? (similar to TCC paradigm).
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Even in lung small cell cancer, we don't have consensus regarding the appropriate dose (see NCCN SCLC Principles of Radiation Therapy, for example). And of course, bladder small cell cancer is relatively uncommon so there's less data available.Thus my approach has been to use RT doses that are cons...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
There is a recent series (May 2014) and review published in Practial Radiation Oncology from Memorial Sloan Kettering. While they don't describe a dose response given the small number of cases, the median dose used in their series was 45Gy to the pelvis and 64.8Gy to the bladder. They point out th...