When do you consider using protons for breast cancer?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
I think there is a limited role for protons in breast cancer outside of prospective studies at this time.With respect to partial breast irradiation, while initial trials showed some higher skin toxicities, modern institutional series have shown much better outcomes. That being said, the total number...
Radiation Oncologist at Northwestern University I concur. When one evaluates modern radiotherapy u...
Radiation Oncologist at Washington University School of Medicine I agree with @Chirag S. Shah and @Jonathan B. Stra...
Radiation Oncologist at Northwestern University @Imran Zoberi Good point. I do strongly believe in...
Radiation Oncologist at Allegheny Health Network, Pittsburgh Agreed. We use RT commonly for RT-induced angiosar...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
At our center, all patients for regional nodal radiation (including IMNs) are recommended to participate on RADCOMP. This study will be tremendously important to understand if real world implementation of breast proton therapy in the highest risk group (treatment of the IMNs) will be beneficial. We ...
Radiation Oncologist at Northwestern University An excellent summary.
Radiation Oncologist at Varian Medical Systems/Allegheny health network How do you mitigate high fracture rate reported in...
Radiation Oncologist at Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania You are right, @Sushil Beriwal. Some of the early ...
Radiation Oncologist at Lake Huron Medical Center Also, I was seeing some preliminary RADCOMP data. ...
Radiation Oncologist at Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania The patients are usual patients. Overall, MHD is c...
Radiation Oncologist at Lake Huron Medical Center Thank you! I think that way of analyzing it makes ...
Radiation Oncologist at Allegheny Health Network, Pittsburgh I agree with @Neil Taunk and @Simul Parikh. W...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
I often find the need to use proton therapy during left chest wall comprehensive nodal irradiation when including the internal mammary nodes and mastectomy scars, which can be quite long. These patients are often stage N1-N2, T3-T4, or both. These conventionally require multiple matched fields...
Radiation Oncologist at Allegheny Health Network, Pittsburgh I will say that we routinely use DIBH with matched...
Radiation Oncologist at Northwestern University I agree with @Chirag A. Shah. We often prefer part...
I concur. When one evaluates modern radiotherapy u...
I agree with @Chirag S. Shah and @Jonathan B. Stra...
@Imran Zoberi Good point. I do strongly believe in...
Agreed. We use RT commonly for RT-induced angiosar...