When should one consider obtaining a cardiac MRI in ischemic stroke patients?
What is the utility of it?
Answer from: at Community Practice
This is a terrific question. Cardiac MRI is increasingly utilized in the diagnostic evaluation of ischemic stroke and can uncover clinically covert cardiovascular disease. The clinical utility in ischemic stroke is most in patients with concern for LV thrombus (low EF or recent anterior ST elevation...
at Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center It can be used to confirm questionable findings on...
Cardiac MRI is extremely useful for identifying LV thrombus not appreciated on TTE (or ambiguity on the study) especially in patients with ESUS with low EF, cardiac apex aneurysm, evaluating cardiac amyloidosis (also an etiology for embolic strokes) confirming valve vegetation vs thrombus, fibroelas...
It can be used to confirm questionable findings on...