When should the dissected axilla (levels I-II) be included when delivering RNI?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Please see my posting on November 2022 for more details on this subject. To summarize, most of the dissected axilla lies within breast/chest wall tangents, so it is routinely irradiated when RT is used. The upper part of Level 2 is usually outside the tangents and lateral to what is traditionally de...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
I largely agree with much of what has been said. To further clarify, I add the following.
Traditional axillary dissections removed a "region of tissue" or a "pad of fat" within which the pathologist would look for nodes. So, even if there was extra-nodal extension, there was a reasonable likelihood...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
I think this is an evolving topic, particularly given that we are doing fewer ALNDs. I try to cover the dissected axilla in cases with 4+ nodes involved, ECE/extension into axillary fat, and limited dissection (# nodes/TAD).
Radiation Oncologist at Varian Medical Systems/Allegheny health network We also include in 50% or more nodal positivity&nb...
Radiation Oncologist at Van Elslander Cancer Center I try very hard to avoid including the axilla (aft...
Radiation Oncologist at Duke University Medical Center I agree with Dr. @Aref. Following level 1/2 ...