When treating inguinal lymph nodes in the setting of pelvic RT, what is your preferred setup in order to minimize dose to the penis?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
I have tried a variety of different setups but have found that building a scrotal shelf works the best. The patient is set up supine in the frog leg position using your immobilization method of choice. I then use a custom moldable headrest and place it against the perineum to serve as a shelf for th...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
We use a pair of disposable hospital undergarments and pull the scrotum and penis midline up onto the mons pubis. The patient then does this each day when he gets on the linear accelerator and the position is checked by the technologists. There can be some variation day to day with this approach, bu...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
We've been using proton therapy (IMPT) more recently for anal canal cancers, which has some benefits over IMRT. One is better marrow sparing which can help reduce cytopenias during concurrent chemo and this may help reduce the risk of hospitalizations (grade 3+ toxicity) according to the UPENN study...