When would you consider a workup for C. diff in a patient with diarrhea under-going concurrent chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer?
If the patient is outpatient and coming into clinic each day, at what point would you initiate a C. diff workup?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Good question – and hard to pinpoint a strict answer. I think any time the diarrhea is out of proportion to expectation (i.e., very early in RT course), clinically significant (dehydration, etc), and not controlled or responding to anti-diarrheal medications, especially in the setting of C. di...
Radiation Oncologist at Angelhaven LLC The patient presented with just the above symptoms...
Radiation Oncologist at Mon Health Because of the highly infectious nature of C. diff...
The patient presented with just the above symptoms...
Because of the highly infectious nature of C. diff...