Which patients with breast cancer do you treat with deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH)?
Do you do any type of assessment to see if they would likely benefit from, or be able to tolerate, treatment with DIBH versus free-breathing?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
My practice is similar. All left-sided patients -- DIBH and free-breathing scans. All right-sided RNI cases - DIBH and free breathing. The benefits for lung-sparing on the right side can be significant. Few right-sided with whole breast only as target, as there is generally low lung dose...
Radiation Oncologist at Jacob E Locke MD PA What is your methodology to ensure reproducibility...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
We use it for any left breast cancer and any right-sided patient for whom I will be treating IMNs. I also use in the setting of re-irradiation for any reason. Having said that, the added benefit of DIBH for a woman with a tumor bed in the upper quadrants of her left breast can usually be treated wit...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
I simulate all left-sided patients with and without DIBH. You can either review to see if there is a benefit between in sim or do a fusion of scans afterward.
I also routinely have with and without DIBH scans when treating right-sided cases where I am treating im nodes.
I use DIBH only scan for my...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Supine left-sided patients who are smaller and medium breast size. Some medium and most large breast only patients we instead prefer to treat prone to eliminate the inframammary fold to reduce skin toxicity.
All left-sided patients treating regional nodes especially IMN are simulated with bre...
What is your methodology to ensure reproducibility...