Would you consider administration of neoadjuvant anthracycline for cT2N1 ER+/PR+/HER2- patients given that this may be excessive for N1 disease, or do you wait until nodal status is confirmed on surgical pathology?
How do you stage and evaluate premenopausal patients with >= cN1 ER+ PR+ HER2- breast cancer prior to surgery to avoid this pitfall?
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
Yes, I would consider anthracycline-based therapy in cT2N1M0 HR+/HER2-negative breast cancer. The ABC trial, the only large-scale trial testing anthracycline specifically in HER-negative cases, showed only a marginal benefit in disease-free survival (not quite statistically significant), and appeare...
Medical Oncologist at University of Wisconsin Hospital & Clinics I would also add that the addition of anthracyclin...
Medical Oncologist at St Jude Heritage Medical Group Does the most recent long-term follow-up ABC trial...
Medical Oncologist at Herbert-Herman Cancer Center Curious about this too, @David J. Park!
I would also add that the addition of anthracyclin...
Does the most recent long-term follow-up ABC trial...
Curious about this too, @David J. Park!