Would you consider deferring chest tube placement in a clinically stable patient with a small empyema without signs of systemic infection?
Answer from: at Community Practice
Firstly, diagnosing empyema means the fluid has already been diagnostically tested by thoracentesis.
If all the fluid was removed on the diagnostic tap, I would continue and complete the course of antibiotics with close follow-up. The duration of Antibiotics ranges from 4-6 weeks.
If a significant...
at Mount Auburn Surgical Agree! The diagnosis required a thoracentesis to b...
at Intensive Pulmonology And Internal Medicine IR interventions are now carried out by Physician ...
Yes, in an outpatient to save hospitalization. However, requires prolonged PO antibiotics with close follow-up. Would get an ultrasound to confirm all fluid resorbed before stopping antibiotics.
For most hospital patients, seems little to gain by avoiding tube drainage and may shorten antibiotic co...
Agree! The diagnosis required a thoracentesis to b...
IR interventions are now carried out by Physician ...