Would you continue bleomycin in a patient with intermediate risk stage 3B nonseminona who had a pulmonary embolism?
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Community Practice
A PE in and of itself would not change my commitment to a bleomycin based regimen. It would be helpful to know patient age, renal function, significant other pulmonary history (COPD). I assume the patient has bona fide bone metastases, liver mets or brain mets and I will assume that the ...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
The patient is 33, normal renal function, no COPD. He has retroperitoneal and supraclavicular lymphadenopathy, no visceral involvement, and he is S2 by markers (ldh 800, HCG 260, AFP 5000). The pathology on a lymph node biopsy was embryonal carcinoma. The plan was 4 cycles of bep with no planned sur...
Medical Oncologist at Testicular Cancer Commons Does he have an intact primary? If not he is...