Would you offer PMRT after NAC in a boderline patient with a pCR based on suspicious pre-chemotherapy IM nodes?
In other words, if there are borderline indications for PMRT (ex initial T3N0 or T2N1 disease) with a pCR, would the suspicious IM nodes lead you to offer PMRT? If so, would you offer comprehensive nodal irradiation?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
We do run into this situation, ecspecially in the MRI era, when it picks up the IM nodes. Older data with MRI imaging suggested if node is more than 5 mm the likelihood of disease based on bx was more than 90%. With advancement in MRI now 5 mm node have been reported in benign breast disease al...
Radiation Oncologist at Rush University Medical Center There is Milan data surgically evaluating the IM n...
There is Milan data surgically evaluating the IM n...