Would you recommend adjuvant chemotherapy for a stage IIB triple negative apocrine carcinoma?
What chemotherapy regimen would you recommend?
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
Given the rarity of the subtype, I would make sure this is not lipid rich or secretory (negative for GCDFP15, +NTRK fusion) and also if AR+ on IHC. It is traditionally treated similar to IDC NOS, therefore standard chemotherapy. The prognosis of low grade early stage node negative TN apocrine is exc...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
The outcome of patients with apocrine carcinoma (which is a cancer of the sweat glands) tend to have a little better outcome compared to more common histologies. However, the survival data of these patients was derived from patients who received standard local and systemic therapy. I therefore would...