Would you treat a patient with XRT after local recurrence after prostate cryoablation?
In a patient who has undergone prior cryoablation for prostate cancer and develops a biopsy proven local recurrence, what dose and fractionation would you recommend?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
We have a strong urologic local therapy program at Duke, and consequently, we see local recurrence after cryotherapy and HIFU. I can say that in my experience these patients tolerate radiation similarly as those who have not had previous prostate therapy, although based on what little data is availa...
Radiation Oncologist at Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University I have had a similar experience, likely with a sma...
Radiation Oncologist at Radiation Oncology Associates I have had 2 such patients. The first, I proceeded...
Radiation Oncologist at Community Health Network I have treated a few pts this way, agree with all ...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
I agree with the previous posters. Tolerance to salvage XRT has been good but the cancers tend to be less sensitive to XRT (PSA failures more common). I ascribe this to hypoxia in surgical scars. I tend to add ADT and use more conventional fractionation.
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
I agree totally. We have treated many patients with conventional RT and SBRT over the years after focal therapy for prostate cancer. We treated patients after a variety of focal therapies. This speaks to the inappropriateness of focal therapy for a multi focal cancer.
We had tried publishing ...
Radiation Oncologist at AdventHealth Cancer Institute A great idea! Would be happy to contribute!
Radiation Oncologist at University of Kansas Health System We published a small series of these patients from...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
Yes. I have done so, and will continue to do so, having used both IMRT and SBRT in this circumstance. The toxicity and efficacy in this small cohort of post-cryo patients is completely indistinguishable from that, as observed in my larger rad onc prostate experience.
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
We have anecdotally observed somewhat higher acute urinary symptoms during radiotherapy after local recurrence following prostate cryo-ablation. There are about 8 reports in the literature, with relatively short follow-up comprising a small number of patients indicating possibly decreased tumor cont...
I have had a similar experience, likely with a sma...
I have had 2 such patients. The first, I proceeded...
I have treated a few pts this way, agree with all ...