General Internal Medicine
Questions discussed in this category
Assume no epidural/cord compromise. Is kypho/vertebroplasty, radiation therapy, or conservative management (brace, antiresorptive therapy) the superio...
From NCCN (Rectal MS-33): SBRT is a reasonable option for patients who cannot be resected or ablated.
What is the role of SBRT versus microwave ablat...
How can these interactions be improved?
Would you treat if there is active infection? How much improvement would you expect?
What is the best evidence to support or refute this?
When treating with radiation therapy, what dose-fractionation do you typically utilize?
Papers discussed in this category
Turk J Med Sci,
Radiat Oncol, 2015-03-28
Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 1994-03
Journal of palliative medicine, 2012-11
Nature reviews. Clinical oncology, 2016-03
Cancer, 2023 Jul 06
The Lancet. Oncology, 2023 Dec 08
Cardiovascular and interventional radiology, 2023 Jul 10