What is the expected timeframe for the development of radiation myelitis and therapies that have helped with neurologic symptoms?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
The incidence and the timeframe of the development of radiation myelopathy are influenced by total radiation dose, radiation dose per fraction, time between courses of radiation, and associated chemotherapy or immunotherapy. Older age, the presence of diabetes, and previous exposure to radiation are...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Agree with Dr. @Stea and would add that timeline for the development of radiation myelopathy can be shorter with re-irradiation when compared to de novo treatment.I have found this paper and a more recent publication helpful in designing my dose/fractionation when offering re-treatment over the spin...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
I agree with Dr. @Stea, and can add that there is not much that appears to help with radiation myelopathy. There are a couple of options outside of steroid therapy.Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) appears to be of limited help in studies with rats, and case reports in humans have shown some benefit. Studies ...