Do you take into account the dose calculation algorithm used when selecting a prescription dose?
Differenes in dose of ~3% can be seen between different dose calculation algorithms. What dose calculation algorithm is the best to use? AAA, Acuros, other? Do you prefer a particular algorithm for certain disease sites?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
I was asked to forge an answer for this one and it’s a little beyond my knowledge base so I queried a colleague here and am enclosing his very excellent response. The physicist who wrote this (who wanted to remain nameless, so lets call him MedPhys NOS) has spent a fair bit of time worki...
Radiation Oncologist at Washington University School of Medicine Question: in the instance where a region showed a ...
Radiation Oncologist at Mayo Clinic I ran this by the MedPhysNOS friend. The area of ...
Radiation Oncologist at University of Rochester Dr Olivier - very interesting and thank you for sh...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
One additional point to consider: lung tumors have most commonly been treated using 6 MV energy because the buildup effect at the lung-tumor interface is less prominent at lower energies, but perhaps more importantly because dose calculation algorithms have generally been less accurate at modeling d...
Question: in the instance where a region showed a ...
I ran this by the MedPhysNOS friend. The area of ...
Dr Olivier - very interesting and thank you for sh...