How do you manage persistent pseudomonas positive sputum a patient with non-CF bronchiectasis who has chronic sputum production but is otherwise asymptomatic?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
I am assuming the Pseudomonas has persisted despite efforts to eradicate early on; if not, I would consider at least an effort at "eradication" or at least aggressive treatment. If the Pseudomonas has persisted and the person feels well other than sputum production, would aggressively pursue airway ...
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I agree with Dr. @Hadjiliadis. The most important part of treatment would be establishing good airway clearance therapies. I find non-CF bronchiectasis and Pseudomonas can be very difficult to treat. Many of these individuals are older and frail. If an individual is asymptomatic, I would be hard pre...
Inhaled saline is underutilized but sadly over pri...
With a GoodRx coupon, it can be as low as ~$10.00 ...