How do you treat leptomeningeal disease in metastatic HR+ HER2- breast cancer?
The patient is treatment naïve and asymptomatic. She also has disease in the body (bone and liver metastases).
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Community Practice
Survival after a diagnosis of leptomeningeal metastasis (LM) remains poor. Radiation therapy remains a primary therapy for breast cancer LM. Intrathecal therapy has resulted in limited efficacy and is associated with significant toxicity. Limited data regarding the efficacy of systemic therapies in ...
Medical Oncologist at British Columbia Cancer Agency Thank you!
Completely agree with Dr. @Reva K. Bas...
Medical Oncologist at MedStar Washington Hospital Center, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital Dr. @Reva K. Basho, your explanation is quite help...
Thank you! Completely agree with Dr. @Reva K. Bas...
Dr. @Reva K. Basho, your explanation is quite help...