How would you approach an isolated prostate recurrence of high-risk prostate cancer following definitive EBRT?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
It is important to know:
1) time from cessation of hormones and time to recurrence. Better to also have T levels.
2) velocity of PSA rise.
3) absolute PSA value
Longer disease free interval, slow PSA kinetics and low PSA suggests prostate only recurrences.
I have also b...
Radiation Oncologist at Varian Medical Systems/Allegheny health network We also get multiparametric MRI with fusion bx for...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
I do the same thing.
As part of my workup I have used Carbon Acetate PET/CT in Phoenix. PSMA is not PSA membrane specific (for cofirmation see how the parotids and major vessels light up) and not as specific as Carbon Acetate PET/CT. This area of PET/CT is in flux.
My preference was HDR brachy but...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
May I suggest a review article on this issue:Tetreault-Laflamme A, Crook J: "Options for Salvage of Radiation Failures for Prostate Cancer" Seminars in Radiation Oncology 27:67-78, 2016It is not to disagree with the comments of others, but there are other options beyond re-irradiation with brachythe...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
I agree that the workup is critical to do everything you can to assure that you have a prostate only failure. With regard to imaging, that playing field is altering rapidly. After that, I treat with interstitial seed implantation following the RTOG 0526 (
Radiation Oncologist at Radiation Medical Group Agree w maximal radiologic w/u first to excluded m...
We also get multiparametric MRI with fusion bx for...