In a patient with sicca symptoms and SS-B antibodies only, can a minor salivary gland lip biopsy with lymphoid aggregates, but also scattered areas of acute neutrophilic inflammation be consistent with Sjogren's Disease?
Lymphoid aggregates consistent with Sjogren's Disease, but current criteria suggest that if the minor salivary gland lip biopsy has neutrophilic foci, it cannot be evaluated for Sjogren's based on "current and accepted criteria".
Answer from: at Community Practice
Without additional information, it is hard to comment meaningfully. It depends on the number of glands harvested, the amount of glandular tissue available to the pathologist, and where the path was read. It is possible to submit the pathology for a second opinion to groups with expertise in Sjogren'...
at UTMB Health Perhaps the presence of neutrophils reflects the p...
I agree with @Nancy L. Carteron and cannot speculate on the neutrophils.I'd also like to point out that a French study showed that only 1% of isolated anti-SSB patients had Sjogren's disease, SjD (Jardel et al., PMID 28931060); all others had other autoimmune diseases, neoplasia, infection, and soli...
at University of California, Berkeley and San Francisco Thank you for your comments @Donald E. Thomas.
Perhaps the presence of neutrophils reflects the p...