Is there a role for reirradiation for SCC oral tongue with high-risk features (i.e., PNI, close margins) following surgery?
What would be the indications and what considerations are there from the first course of treatment?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
While re-irradiation of gross unresectable recurrent cancer has obvious DFS and survival benefits, the therapeutic ratio of adjuvant re-irradiation is less clear. Data about the interval since the previous RT, and the size of the re-RT PTV, may help. In our experience, where 38% of patients were tre...
Radiation Oncologist at University of Missouri at Columbia, Ellis Fischel Cancer Cener Dr. @Eisbruch - do you consider other factors such...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Consider in patients with ENE, positive margins, deeply infiltrative tumors (>1 cm), or T4. Avoid if <6 mo from prior RT, ongoing wound healing issues in target, or pre-existing severe toxicity (e.g., ORN, severe fibrosis), though this is conditional.
Dr. @Eisbruch - do you consider other factors such...