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Radiation Oncology
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Prostate Cancer
What fractionation and dose constraints do you use for prostate SBRT?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
UCLA King Protocol8 Gy x5PTV 95% of PTV volume to get 95-110% rx doseRectum V50 (20 Gy) < 50%V80 (32 Gy) < 20%V90 (36 Gy) < 10 %V100 (40Gy) < 5%BladderV50 (20 Gy) < 40%V100 (40 Gy) < 1.1%Femurs V40 (16 Gy) < 5%Small Bowel V50 (20Gy) < 1%
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