What is the best approach to treatment for cenestopathies (sensation of electric current in patient's brain) accompanied by anxiety and inability to sleep?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
Thank you for your question. Cenestopathies (referring to the feeling of being ill and this feeling not localized to one region of the body) may not be the correct term for this interesting phenomenon, commonly called "brain zaps". Brain zaps are a poorly understood symptom of antidepressant withdra...
at Hollywood Mental Health Services Thank you for taking the time to answer my questio...
at University of Washington To clarify, are you describing auditory and tactil...
at Hollywood Mental Health Services She used to have auditory hallucinations, now only...
at University of Washington More history, including the course of her illness,...
at Hollywood Mental Health Services Good evening, Dr. @Schrift,
The patient is curren...
at University of Washington Thanks for the additional information. Any informa...
at Hollywood Mental Health Services No family history of neuropsychiatric illness. Her...
I have a patient who is being treated for schizophrenia on a very small dose of Prolixin. His most common current symptom is the feeling of her intestines dissolving when he reduces his dose of Prolixin on his own. I consider it a delusion of somatic type. This could be the same if she has a diagnos...
Since the patient has a history of childhood physical and emotional abuse, the patient could have a dissociative disorder or PTSD. Adults who were abused as children often have "body memories" of terrifying traumatic experiences and often have unusual physical symptoms and odd mental experiences tha...
at Private Practice Yoga can help with control of body breathing and m...
at Hollywood Mental Health Services I agree and thank you for this suggestion. Unfortu...
at Private Practice You mentioned her husband is rich, so she can like...
at Hollywood Mental Health Services Thank you, Dr. @Miller.I was not clear initially a...
at Eagle Paula F Office Just one other comment about her diagnosis and her...
In my experience, we had these zaps frequently on discontinuation of any antidepressant. First described in 1959 with the discontinuation of imipramine and now as mentioned as part of the rather common discontinuation syndrome. Agree that if it appears as if you are switching ADs or discontinuing th...
at Hollywood Mental Health Services Thank you for the suggestion of Memantine. I will ...
at Thapar Renu K Office For psychotic patients, I will stay away from medi...
at Hollywood Mental Health Services I agree! But the patient decided to do it. She tol...
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questio...
To clarify, are you describing auditory and tactil...
She used to have auditory hallucinations, now only...
More history, including the course of her illness,...
Good evening, Dr. @Schrift, The patient is curren...
Thanks for the additional information. Any informa...
No family history of neuropsychiatric illness. Her...