What is the typical work-up completed to rule out other conditions prior to making a diagnosis of fibromyalgia (other than history and physical exam)?
Answer from: at Community Practice
I agree with Don and will just add a few things. The workup to a large part depends on how long the person has had similar symptoms. In an individual who has had many regional pain conditions and lifelong issues with sleep, fatigue, or other symptoms of FM, there is very little work up needed. Howev...
I take a somewhat different view than some of my colleagues. Before one can decide on the proper evaluation of a fibromyalgia patient one must decide, “what is fibromyalgia anyway?”. More about that at another time.
Apparently, chronicity is an important component to deciding on whether...
The diagnosis of fibromyalgia is based on the symptoms of widespread pain, present for at least 3 months and associated symptoms, including fatigue and sleep disturbances. A musculoskeletal examination should be adequate to detect inflammatory joint findings, muscle weakness, or neurologic signs. La...