What is your workup for CSF studies when evaluating for possible CNS Lupus?
In addition, what formula do you use to calculate the IgG index?
Answer from: at Community Practice
CSF studies for CNS lupus are most important in ruling out non-lupus CNS problems, e.g. infections and malignancy. So you want to target CSF studies toward the differential diagnosis of the presenting CNS phenotype. Typically these would include cell counts with diff, glucose, total protein, CSF IgG...
There is nothing specific for CNS Lupus, that I know of. Everything in neuroimmunology, for the most part, is EXCLUSION of other diseases. There is NO ACID test!
In neurosarcoidosis, for example, you send off ACE levels in the CSF. But for lupus, there is no such test/entity.
at Yale University School of Medicine In addition to the above, I always send serum AQP4...
at LAC+USC Medical Center - Los Angeles @John Peters, MD Agreed. Thank you for the helpful...
at Duke University Medical Center While not specific to cerebritis, elevated oligocl...