When do you consider Cheyne-Stokes respirations noted in download data from positive pressure machines to be normal vs abnormal requiring intervention?
Answer from: at Community Practice
Persistent CSR on downloads greater than 10-20% of the total sleep time may be appropriate for further investigation, particularly if the CSR recurs nightly. It is often difficult to know how to proceed best in this setting. Consideration could be given to investigating underlying causes (like CHF, ...
I do not have great confidence in the algorithms for CSR detection in CPAP machines (both in terms of false negatives and positives). That said, I agree with Dr. @Healy that if there is an newly increased amount of central events or CSR on a CPAP report, that should prompt (at the least) a *diagnost...
at Corewell Health @Jonathan Jun: Do you see CSR in volume overload w...