Sleep Medicine   

Questions discussed in this category

In patients with average of less than 5 respiratory events per hour, adequate sleep duration and hygiene confirmed on sleep log, absent cataplexy and ...

The recently published SURMOUNT-OSA trial showed positive results

How do you treat medically refractory sleep related movement disorder in patients who has failed medical management with dopamine agonists, gabapentin...

Since these patients or their caregivers may not know the symptoms related to sleep disorders and the negative effects on their already compromised ne...

In patients who continue to have insomnia despite diphenhydramine, benzos, and trazodone, are there other evidence based treatments that are helpful?

Papers discussed in this category

Sleep Med Rev, 2021 Jun 10

The Journal of physiology, 1998-08-01

The European respiratory journal, 2023 Feb 09

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2017 Nov 15

The New England journal of medicine, 2024 Jun 21