When do you recommend acamprosate vs. naltrexone for medication-assisted therapy in alcohol use disorder?
Answer from: at Community Practice
Most addiction doctors use naltrexone as the first-line treatment due to its mixed but overall supportive evidence and easier adherence with once-a-day or once-a-month dosing. Acamprosate, on the other hand, comes in large pills, 2 tablets TID (6 tablets is a lot for some patients), making it challe...
at Institute Addiction Medicine Naltreone's hepatotoxic effects are greatly exagge...
at MiddleSex Health I agree, but with Tbili of 3, we typically avoid a...
at Sheppard Pratt Hospital A very helpful thread above! Thanks for both of yo...
at Thapar Renu K Office Yes, very helpful discussion.
I would suggest starting naltrexone for about a week and then transitioning to Vivitrol shots. Continue Vivitrol every four weeks as a maintenance treatment regardless of drinking levels. I would also recommend at the start of the treatment, getting some baseline labs to include a CBC, comprehensive...
First, I dislike the term, "medication-assisted therapy." It gives me the impression the medication is "assisting" with other care and treatment. For my patients, medications ARE the foundational treatment, as with so many other general medical conditions. It tends to reinforce that they have a bona...
I would recommend acamprosate over naltrexone for the following patients:
Patients with moderate to severe hepatic impairment (LFT >5 times the upper normal limits).
Patients whose treatment goal is abstinence and who can stop drinking for 4-5 days before initiation of treatment.
Patients wh...
I usually start with naltrexone and will move to topiramate if not tolerated or contraindicated. I feel topiramate is underutilized for alcohol use disorder. I don't use acamprosate very often because of the frequent dosing.
Clinically, patients with PTSD tend to do well with acamprosate 666 mg, three times a day for alcohol dependence that began or was perpetuated by recent trauma triggers (i.e., in the military setting). Naltrexone is good for augmenting the craving but due to the cost and risk of polypharm, I stick t...
at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs There is a national shortage of acamprosate, not s...
at Sheppard Pratt Hospital I was not aware of the possible benefit for PTSD p...
I agree that AA is the best outpatient method to s...
Let's be clear, if combined treatment, AA + naltre...
at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Not to lose sight of the original question, naltre...
What would your treatment be for someone who has been on monthly visits for Suboxone and came into our program but discovered that he is using methamphetamine regularly?
at Harmony Bay Wellness That is difficult. Mainly, I increase the visit fr...
Naltreone's hepatotoxic effects are greatly exagge...
I agree, but with Tbili of 3, we typically avoid a...
A very helpful thread above! Thanks for both of yo...
Yes, very helpful discussion.
I agree.