Would you consider nodal irradiation alone (not irradiating chest wall) in an otherwise early stage breast cancer, cN0 patient but has a positive node from a SLN bx who is status post mastectomy?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
Though the presence of nodal disease is used to help identify women that benefit from adjuvant radiation treatment, patterns of failure data support that the majority of recurrences occur on the chest wall. Therefore if there are indications for nodal treatment (such as those noted above), I would p...
Radiation Oncologist at Singing River Health System What are your criteria to forego chest wall irradi...
Radiation Oncologist at Allegheny Health Network, Pittsburgh I agree with Dr. @Kimberly Corbin and don't believ...
Radiation Oncologist at Weill Cornell Medical College Agree.
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
AMAROS allowed nodal treatment only without chest wall RT if they met inclusion criteria of 1-2 positive SNLN. That being said, for micromets with otherwise favorable factor based on small subset in Italian study and few retrospective analysis, it looks like the risk of axillary recurrence with no a...
Radiation Oncologist at Weill Cornell Medical College I would recommend chest wall and regional nodal ir...
What are your criteria to forego chest wall irradi...
I agree with Dr. @Kimberly Corbin and don't believ...