Would you recommend use of ESA for anemia of kidney disease in the setting of metastatic solid tumor malignancy?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
It is not unreasonable in CKD patients with symptomatic anemia and a non-curable metastatic cancer to consider using an ESA. However, this requires an extensive discussion with the patient. ASCO/ASH guidelines recommend against the use of these agents in patients with curable malignancies, so if the...
at Kaiser Permanente, Los Angeles Med Center Thank you so much, Dr. @Rakesh Mehta!
Medical Oncologist at Wentworth Douglass Hospital Would you use it in a patient with recently resect...
at South Hills Nephrology Associates I have had multiple discussions with oncology coll...
Thank you so much, Dr. @Rakesh Mehta!
Would you use it in a patient with recently resect...
I have had multiple discussions with oncology coll...