Are there any special considerations when evaluating patients with non-malignant hematologic or immunodeficiency disorders for allogeneic transplant?
Are there major differences in standard conditioning and/or GVHD prophylaxis regimens utilized?
Does the non-relapse mortality different significantly versus patients undergoing allogeneic HSCT for malignant diseases?
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
In most malignant diseases, we prefer to take patients to allogenic transplant either in complete or partial remission as it will take few months before post-transplant immune-reconstitution results in effective graft-versus-disease response. In non-malignant diseases, we take patients to transplant...
There are a number of disease-specific considerations when evaluating children with non-malignant disorders for transplant.
In general, patients with non-malignant disorders, other than immunodeficiencies, have a higher rate of graft failure than patients with malignancies. Also, in general, transp...
at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago Thank you Dr. @Biljana Horn for your thoughtful re...
1) For disorders like Thal, Sickle cell disease, make sure you give Hydroxyurea for a sufficient period of time to facilitate engraftment.
2) For disorders like osteopetrosis, make sure you do not give too aggressive regimens as VOD incidence is very high but at the same time not undershoot as non-...
at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago Thank you Dr. @Jignesh Dalal for your response! Is...
at CWRU School of Medicine At least for 1 month if not two.