Based on CheckMate 577?Is DFS endpoint sufficient to establish SOC or is OS benefit needed?
For nodes just inferior to the celiac/SMA axis and no other distant metastatic disease? Stage is formally M1, but just barely. The patient is otherwis...
What combination of fluoropyrimidine, PD-1 inhibitor, or trastuzumab do you use?
KEYNOTE 811 showed improved response rate with the addition of pembrolizumab, but very few patients in this study had low PDL1.
Would you ever consider adjuvant chemotherapy rather than adjuvant immunotherapy after the publication of the CM-577 results? If so, in which pop...
What about for a patient with complete radiographic response who declines surgical management?
What factors would influence your approach?
Are there other treatment variations by clinical subsets (eg tumor location, histology, stage II vs III, other biomarkers) seen in CM577 or other data...
Is neoadjuvant chemoradiation or perioperative chemotherapy preferred?
Provided the patient can have the solitary met treated definitively with SBRT and is otherwise a good surgical candidate
On occasion, patients with locally advanced gastric cancer are poor candidates for FLOT-like chemotherapy. Should such patients be taken to surgery up...
In a patient with a good performance status, would you consider this?
In a patient with an R0 resection, would you routinely recommend postop chemoradiation, since these patients were included in the MacDo...