Do you screen for VWD in all women with menorrhagia severe enough to cause iron deficiency anemia?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
Yes, testing vWF is needed in this situation of severe menometrorrhagia. Excessive menstrual bleeding, especially when severe enough to cause anemia, is a common presenting symptom of vWD in women. The testing should be done as part of a comprehensive workup for gynecologic etiologies and other coag...
Agree, iron deficiency alone is not by itself an indication to screen for VWD. If they have a history of heavy menstruation since menarche and female family members (sister, mother...) with this history of heavy menses since menarche makes the case stronger for screening for VWD. Also, need a full g...
Answer from: Medical Oncologist at Academic Institution
Data (albeit very old data) suggests that up to 60% of premenopausal menstruating women have absent iron stores. Menstrual losses are by far the most common cause of iron deficiency in this population, and the menses don't have to be particularly heavy for this to occur. Consider that each pregnancy...