How do you approach the workup for a patient with persistently elevated inflammatory markers (CRP and ESR) whose history and exam do not point to a clear cause?
Answer from: at Community Practice
Our hematologist/oncologist referred just such a patient. No evidence of malignancy, but elevated CRP &ESR. I did an “internist’s” workup as I would for dermatomyositis, starting with the most important and therefore most thorough aspect: taking a full and very “invasive&...
at Dupage Medical Group Dr. @DeMarco or others, would you be able to eluci...
at Mobile Medical Care Inc Some references for BMI and inflammatory markers:
at Vanderbilt University Medical Center CRP H and ESR normal: weight or seroneg/HLA B27 cr...
at Vanderbilt University Medical Center CRP and IL-6 is adipose tissue, weight
An elevated ESR and C-RP raises concern for the usual suspects: infection, malignancy, and inflammatory conditions. Generally speaking, by the time we see these patients, occult infection has likely been ruled out, leaving us to focus on the latter two groups of disorders.
Among the malignancies, I...
at Vanderbilt University Medical Center The better question is what referrals ESR/CRP leve...
I agree with my friend, mentor and colleague @Leonard H. Sigal but would pose one question and one other consideration.Had the oncologist already performed "pan-scans" (a term I hate almost as much as "transaminitis")--CT scans of the chest, abdomen and pelvis looking for occult lymphoma or solid tu...
at Sutter Health Thank you, Dr. @Rosenstein, I was gonna ask the qu...
at Berkshire Health Systems I have recently found that polycystic ovary syndro...
at Mobile Medical Care Inc PCO is commonly associated with elevated BMI and t...
We tend to see these from the primary care providers. The hematologist/oncologist knows to check the SPEP and UPEP in these folks. After the very important thorough history and physical that Dr. @Leonard H. Sigal advocates, I do remind patients that elevated BMI can elevate both the ESR and CRP...
Dr. @DeMarco or others, would you be able to eluci...
Some references for BMI and inflammatory markers: ...
CRP H and ESR normal: weight or seroneg/HLA B27 cr...
CRP and IL-6 is adipose tissue, weight