How does your approach to subsegmental PE differ from segmental PE both diagnostically and therapeutically?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
My approach to subsegmental PE and segmental PE generally tends to be very similar. I am aware of the CHEST guidelines which indicate patients can safely be observed with subsegmental PE, but like a recent study showed (Rouleau et al., PMID 37531107), uptake of these guidelines is slow and many pati...
Surveillance rather than anticoagulation for acute subsegmental PE was a mistake from the start. A large respected observational study published in Blood in 2013 showed similar outcomes and danger for subsegmental PE as more proximal PE (den Exter et al., PMID 23736701). The cohort study to test sur...
Medical Oncologist at Medical University of South Carolina Agree. The above-cited Le Gal et al., PMID 3480772...