How, if at all, does your approach to adjuvant chemoradiation differ with proton beam radiation vs. conventional photon radiation for H&N Cancers?
Is there data on efficacy or toxicity when chemotherapy is added to Proton beam therapy for head and neck cancer like there is data to support adding chemotherapy to conventional radiation?
Are the indications the same (+margin, ECE)?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
As there is no prospective data for protons over photons in head and neck cancer, despite the proliferation in utilization, I would not feel comfortable treating this way unless it was the only option.In addition, recent reports indicate a relatively high risk of mandibular ORN, which is hardly seen...
Radiation Oncologist at Northeast Alabama Regional Medical Center The physical and radiobiological aspects of proton...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
Nothing changes in regard to the treatment approach. Planning is of course different. Adjuvant radiation and adjuvant chemotherapy indications remain the same. Studies are ongoing regarding the potential benefits/harms of proton therapy for H&N cancer, which are eagerly awaited.
The physical and radiobiological aspects of proton...