Is there an optimal bridging radiation dose for aggressive B-cell NHL undergoing CAR T-cell therapy?
What influences your decision to proceed with palliative vs. definitive, and standard vs. hypofractionation dosing regimens?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
The perfect radiation dose for a given patient probably depends on a number of patient and disease-specific factors including tumor biology and genetics, the anatomy of the tumor and adjacent organs at risk, and the radiation technique used. We do not have the ability to recommend such individualize...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
There are no studies that clearly identify the optimal bridging radiation dose to use. Some studies showed no in-field recurrences with EQD2 doses of ≥37.5-39 Gy. I would tailor my bridging radiation dose to the treatment intent which is based on the extent of disease prior to CAR-T.
For patient...