What are indications to add WPRT +/- PA field to chemotherapy for uterine serous carcinoma?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
There is variation in practice.
After adequate surgical staging, our approach:
Stage 1A brachytherapy alone.
Stage IB and above, EBRT.
If node negative, treat pelvic including entire common iliac.
If pelvis node positive and PA node dissected same as above, up to common iliac....
Radiation Oncologist at East Alabama Medical Center How high would you extend the PA field? Assuming n...
Radiation Oncologist at Varian Medical Systems/Allegheny health network If node is at the level of renal vessel, then exte...
I would typically use chemo (plus herceptin if HER2 overexpression) in this situation based on GOG258 and multiple retrospective studies showing a benefit to chemo in uterine serous. The patient’s highest risk is going to be distant recurrence. I would not want to add the morbidity of pelvic r...
Radiation Oncologist at East Alabama Medical Center Thank you!
How high would you extend the PA field? Assuming n...
If node is at the level of renal vessel, then exte...