What is the risk of ILD recurrence in MDA5/Ro52 positive dermatomyositis following a lung transplantation?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
The risk of ILD recurrence in MDA5/Ro52 positive dermatomyositis following a lung transplant is probably very low, although specific data is unavailable. Polymyositis was documented as the recipient diagnosis for 87 lung transplants during the time period from 1988-2022 in the United States. Dermato...
The marker that might be helpful in this situation is the level of MDA5 antibody. Data including that from Muro et al., PMID 22210662 suggest that the disappearance of the MDA5 antibody is an indicator of MDA5 disease remission. This has been our experience as well. Ro52 antibody is likely to stay e...