Would you initiate antifibrotic therapy in a patient with CTD-ILD experiencing worsening symptoms and declining lung function, despite no clear evidence of fibrosis on CT scans?
CT changes are subsolid and ground glass nodules.
Answer from: at Academic Institution
If the predominant findings on CT were ground glass opacities and/or nodules without any evidence of fibrosis on CT, I would not start with an antifibrotic and, instead, would start with immunosuppression as a first-line agent. Based on the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and American Thoraci...
In the INBUILD study apart from having 10% fibrosis on CT, they also needed to have at least one of the following criteria for the progression of ILD within the 24 months before screening:
1. Despite standard treatment with an agent other than nintedanib or pirfenidone: a relative decline in ...
No, I will not.